This is a list of all the major sections of our site. Please click on the links to explore further. Please click on the plus signs to see more links that will allow you to explore the site further.
A list of our online forms can be found here

Adult Social Care
- Care information and professionals
- Care leavers
- Emergency accommodation
- Going home from hospital
- Living at home
- Paying for your care
- Support for carers and care away from home
- Your abilities and needs

Arts & Heritage
- Archaeology
- Archives
- Cultural Services volunteers
- Local history
- Maritime and local collections
- Medieval Vault hire
- Museums

Benefits & Welfare
- Benefits toolkit
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction
- News and Housing Benefit changes
- Report benefit fraud
- Self service and forms
- Welfare Rights and Money Advice

Bins & Recycling
- Bins
- Bulky waste
- Commercial waste
- Garden waste
- Household Waste and Fly-Tipping Policy
- Other waste services
- Recycling

Business & Licensing
- Business advice and support
- Business news
- Business rates
- Commercial services
- EU exit: UK business transition
- How we buy
- Licensing
- Port Health
- Register a food business
- Support for business
- Trading Standards
- Solent Freeport

Children & Families
- Activities and support for families
- Adoption
- Children's social care
- Early years and childcare
- Fostering
- Privacy notice
- Training Support
- Young people and transitions

Contact Us
- Adding or editing your listing in the directory of support services
- Accessibility
- Business and trade contact
- Business rates contact
- Funerals and Bereavement contact
- Online forms
- Privacy and cookies
- Response times
- Social media house rules

- About us
- Corporate Governance
- Council data
- Councillors
- Executive Management Team
- Have your say
- How decisions are made
- Local Land Charges
- Partnerships
- Pay the council
- Southampton byelaws
- Statement of Accounts
- Voting and elections

- Animal welfare
- Emergencies and severe weather
- Neighbourhood nuisances and property concerns
- Our Green City
- Pest control
- Pollution
- Street cleaning
- Trees, grass, hedges and leaves

Funerals & Bereavement
- Burials
- Cemeteries
- Cremation
- Crematorium memorials
- Fees and charges
- Public Health Act funerals
- Following a death

- Children and young people's health
- Infectious disease
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Physical health
- Seasonal health
- Tobacco, alcohol and drugs
- Wellbeing in the workplace

- Find a home
- Help with housing
- Information for leaseholders
- Landlords
- New council homes and estate regeneration
- Privacy Notice - Housing Service tenants
- Your home
- Your council tenancy

Jobs and recruitment
- Apprenticeships
- External vacancies
- Getting into work
- School roles
- Senior leadership
- Social work
- Why work for us

Life Events
- Getting help with the cost of living
- Going to school
- New families
- New and returning students
- New Southampton businesses
- New Southampton residents
- Looking after someone
- Looking for work
- Moving out of Southampton
- Moving within Southampton
- When someone dies

People & Places
- Child Friendly Southampton
- Community places and rights
- Community safety
- Parks and open spaces
- Public and accessible toilets
- Stronger Communities
- Voluntary and community grants

Planning & Building Control
- Building Control
- Community Infrastructure Levy
- Development management privacy notice
- Heritage
- Planning applications
- Planning permission
- Planning policy

Schools & Learning
- Find and apply for school
- Guidance and teaching for schools
- Planning for post-16
- School information
- Service Level Agreements
- Special Educational Need and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer
- Support and inclusion in education