
The council has 51 democratically elected councillors and operates with a Leader and Cabinet. The Leader of the council is elected every year at the annual meeting of the council. The Leader then appoints a Cabinet of between two and nine members.

The Leader and Cabinet supervise the work of the council, making major decisions.

You can find your councillor using a postcode search.

Political composition of the council

Southampton is a unitary council. This means that the council is responsible for all local services within the city. Example services include education, highways and social services.

The current political composition of elected councillors in Southampton is:

  • Labour - 35
  • Conservative - 10
  • Liberal Democrat - 5
  • Green - 1

Role of councillors

The city is divided into 17 wards and each have three councillors.

Southampton City Council map of wards and councillors

Further information about individual councillors

Their role is to:

  • Be a member of the council
  • Represent their ward - map of council wards
  • Take part in decision making
  • Review and develop policies and strategies
  • Attend Overview and Scrutiny meetings and inquiries
  • Be a member of regulatory panels, including Planning and Licensing
  • Engage with their local community and provide leadership
  • Represent the city on over 100 boards, partnerships and outside bodies

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