Water and sun protection available for rough sleepers in Southampton during heatwave

Bottled water, sun cream and sun hats are being provided to rough sleepers during our regular outreach work

A bottle of water

With high temperatures affecting the UK, and more hot weather forecast over the coming days, we have activated our Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) to provide support to people who are sleeping rough during the current heatwave.

Vulnerable people are being referred to the Homeless Day Centre, which provides a cool, indoor space with access to water and food. The day centre also offers shower and laundry facilities, plus access to medical advice.

If you’re worried about a rough sleeper, please contact the Street Homeless Prevention Team on 023 8083 2343 or via email. It’s useful if you can share some information about the person, such as:

  • Their name/nickname
  • If they're male or female
  • Their approximate age
  • A description
  • Where and when you saw them

You don't have to give us your own details, but it might be helpful if we need to contact you for more information. And remember you can also report rough sleepers in any part of the country on the national reporting site Street Link.