Inclusive Education Audit support for education settings
Below is a Menu of Support of what is available as part of the Inclusive Education Audit. Please note this is not an exhaustive list, but intended to provide an understanding of the type of support available. This will continue to grow to reflect the citywide need.
Universal support
- Access to regularly updated Southampton Ordinarily Available Provision Guidance
- Access to online Padlet with updated resources, articles and supportive sites
- Individual education setting summary report completed with overview of audit results
- Support with developing action plans with areas of inclusive practice to develop
- Access to ongoing informal support, advice and guidance from Inclusion Audit Manager via email, phone or Teams meeting
- Regular updates on parent/carer courses and family events across the city
Peer mentoring
- Regular inclusive education Forums and drop-in sessions themed on key findings and areas of need from the city-wide audit
- Shared and disseminated training opportunities
- Informal and personalised peer mentoring opportunities based on strengths of settings across the city
- Online inclusive education chat forums to problem solve and share practice and ideas
- Opportunities for settings to have a collaborative approach to the completion of audit and the development of action plan
- Sharing of best practice across all areas of inclusion to support a more consistent citywide approach
Individual settings
- Opportunities for regular supportive visits from Inclusion Audit Manager
- Opportunities for multi-agency support and meetings through services provided by Southampton City Council
- Resources available to support with communication and feedback to key stakeholders
- Optional attendance of Inclusion Audit Manager at relevant parent/carer events and activities
- Links and connections for targeted training opportunities for staff
- Optional more detailed review systems and processes if need is identified by the education setting
Online resources
Contacting the Inclusion Audit Manager
For more information and support with your education setting's Inclusive Education Audit, please contact us.
Email: [email protected]
Face to face: Book an initial meeting