Support and inclusion in education

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Inclusion Services

Inclusion Services is a team within the Education department of Southampton City Council. Inclusion Services share a common ambition of improving outcomes for children and young people in our city by working in collaboration with:

  • Schools
  • Families
  • Alternative education providers
  • Statutory and non-statutory agencies
  • Other council services

Our focus is on children and young people of school age and the delivery of statutory obligations placed upon the local authority. Every school child in the city is covered by the work that we do, irrespective of whether they are ever referred to our service.

Our key responsibilities are focused on promoting inclusivity for children within education. We aim to secure the best possible educational outcomes for children with a particular focus on those who are vulnerable, or at risk of both school and social exclusion.

We provide support to schools and school leaders, parents and young people in developing best practice whilst also advising around their legal rights and responsibilities.

Through working within legal frameworks and legislation, our primary objective in Inclusion Services is for every child to have an equal opportunity to access their statutory rights to an educational provision and to ensure that no child is left behind. We do this through partnership working in areas such as:

  • School Exclusions
  • Pupils with medical conditions
  • Pupil Referral Units Commissioning
  • Children Missing Education (CME)
  • Elective Home Education (EHE)
  • Reduced Timetables
  • Southampton Language Service
  • Managed Moves
  • Fair Access Processes


Document Type Size
Advice for parents considering educating their child at home 2023docx386.0 KB
Children Missing Education Guidance For Schoolspdf868.9 KB
Children Missing Education policy 2024pdf485.4 KB
Elective Home Education Guidance for Schools 2024docx245.7 KB
Elective Home Education information leaflet for parents 2024pdf116.2 KB
Elective Home Education Notification form 2023docx58.1 KB
Elective Home Education policy 2024pdf728.6 KB
Electronic model pupil registration formdocx101.3 KB
Flexi-schooling guidance for schools 2023/24docx170.6 KB
Individual pupil risk assessment proforma for use when considering a time-limited reduced timetable 2024docx73.6 KB
Medical Outreach Service Referral Process Flowchartpdf136.6 KB
Notification of Child Missing Education form 2023 (email)docx51.5 KB
Notification of Child Missing Education form 2023 (paper)docx43.7 KB
Overview of Home Education 2023docx70.2 KB
Parental Responsibility and data sharing guidance for schools – To be reviewedpdf1.4 MB
PLAB incident report formdoc463 KB
Plab Pupil Survey Ks1docx128.0 KB
Plab Pupil Survey Ks2docx115.0 KB
Plab Pupil Survey Ks3 And 4docx115.2 KB
Prejudicial language and behaviour guide for parents/carerspdf575.7 KB
Pupil registration formdocx134.0 KB
Reduced Timetable Guidance for Schools and School Leaders 2024docx723.5 KB
Reduced Timetable Proforma 2024docx53.0 KB
Removal from roll risk assessment Overseas absence cases during Covidpdf338.0 KB
SCC guidance on Pupils with Medical Needspdf966.8 KB

For downloads relevant to home educating families, please see the elective home education downloads.