Number of bedrooms you need if you live in Social Housing

Your Housing Benefit may be reduced if you live in council or social housing and you have a spare bedroom. This does NOT apply if you or your partner have reached the qualifying age for state pension credit. Use the government's state pension calculator to see if you qualify, (look at the date you may be entitled to pension credit, not the date you reach State Pension age).

The government sets the rules on the number of bedrooms you need. The reduction is:

  • 14 per cent of the ‘eligible' rent (the amount of rent we use to work out your benefit) for one spare bedroom
  • 25 per cent of the ‘eligible' rent for two or more spare bedrooms

When does the under occupation rule apply?

These rules apply to 'working age' households who live in a council or social landlord property. Your Housing Benefit is not reduced for having a spare bedroom if you or your partner have reached the qualifying age for State Pension Credit.

The rules do not apply if

  • You or your partner have reached state pension credit age
  • Your home is part of a shared-ownership scheme
  • We have placed you in temporary accommodation for homeless people
  • You live in certain types of supported or sheltered accommodation