Public registers
The city council, as Licensing Authority, is required to publish public registers relating to applications for and licences and certificates issued under the Licensing Act 2003. The registers are cumulative and are available via the Southampton and Eastleigh Licensing Partnership's site.
Notices of application
The licensing authority is required by the legislation to advertise applications on its website for:
- New premises licences
- Variations of premises licences (but not minor variations, applications to vary the designated premises supervisors or insert the alternative condition)
- Provisional statements
- New club premises certificates
- Variations of club premises certificates (but not minor variations)
The notice must remain on the website for a period of 28 days from the day following the day on which the licensing authority received the application. The applicant must also give notice of the application outside the premises for 28 days and once in a local newspaper.
Applications for minor variation of licences or certificates are only required to be advertised by the applicant outside the premises for 10 working days - these will appear in Public Access.
Current Licence, Certificate and Provisional Statement Applications
Please see the below for details of current applications for new licences or certificates, provisional statements or substantive variations of licences or certificates - further details, including copies of applications, are via the links below:
- Burger King, 234 - 238 Burgess Road, Southampton SO16 3AU - expires 9 September 2024
- One O Four, 104 - 108 Above Bar Street, Southampton SO14 7DT - expires 10 September 2024
- Jindalai, 122 Bevois Valley Road, Southampton SO14 0JZ - expires 11 September 2024
Reviews - Public Register
Reviews: any of the responsible authorities or interested parties may apply for a review of a premises licence or club premises certificate on grounds that are relevant to one or more of the statutory licensing objectives or may make representations about a review during the notice period. For a copy of the public notice and the application for review.
Please see below for details of current review applications - further details, including copies of applications, are available in Public Access.
Current review applications
- no current reviews.
Representations to applications new premises licences or club premises certificates, their variation or review may be made by any of the responsible authorities - Police, Fire, Environmental Health, Planning, Trading Standards, Public Health, Child Protection, the Health and Safety Executive or the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (for vessels) - or any other person. Only persons making representations within the time limits of the public notice may be heard at any subsequent hearing in relation to that application and only on the matters raised in their representation. Should a person who has made a valid representation wish to expand upon a specific point raised in their written representation by producing or relying on additional evidence at the hearing then this must be served on all the parties in advance of the hearing date and in good time to allow proper consideration.
The Police and Environmental Health may object to temporary event notices or ask for conditions to be imposed. Only the Police may object to personal licence applications, transfers of licences or variations of designated premises supervisor.
To be valid, every representation must engage with one or more of the statutory licensing objectives:
- The prevention of crime and disorder
- Public safety
- The prevention of public nuisance
- The protection of children from harm
Please see our representations page for more information.
Extracts from the register appear below and are periodically updated.
If what you require does not appear here or in Public Access, please contact the licensing team to ask whether the information you require is available.