Additional support and training charges for early years

Providers may request, or be identified, as requiring more specific support. In this case, providers can pay for additional support or bespoke training from the Early Years & Childcare Team.

Bespoke training can be delivered as either INSET, twilight (Saturday) or a virtual session. The training can be tailored to meet the needs of the setting, to small or large groups, or to individuals. This can be one-to-one training around leadership, data etc, or training for the staff team around a variety of subjects.

The cost of the training includes preparation, travel, delivery of training, handouts and certificate of attendance.

Support and training charges 2024-2025 (to be updated in April 2025)

Support to schools

Service Maintained Academies/non-Southampton Schools
These services are available to purchase on an ad-hoc basis £80 per hour £90 per hour
Half day of 3 hours £192 £200
6 days of 6.5 hours support package (across the year) £2,240 £2,400
6 days of 3 hours support package (across the year) £1,120 £1,227
Bespoke in-house training delivered at the school £96 per hour/per trainer £110 per hour/per trainer

Support to PVI and out of school (including groups of Childminders)

Service Price
These services are also available to purchase on an ad-hoc basis £50 per hour
Providers with an inadequate/requires improvement judgement will receive time-limited support around actions identified within the Ofsted report unless NEF has been withdrawn FREE

Bespoke training for PVI / out of school (including groups of childminders)

Service Price
Bespoke full price (The price is inclusive of preparation time) Hourly Rate £60
Ofsted – Requires Improvement *25% reduction
Ofsted – Inadequate *FREE

*If identified in Ofsted actions and agreed in advance

Training courses

Service Price
Twilight/Bitesize (1.5 hours) £25 per person
Half Day £50 per person
Full Day £100 per person


Cancellations and non-attendance will be charged at full price unless advised at least 48 hours in advance.