Private fostering information for professionals

If you know a child or young person who is in a private fostering arrangement in Southampton you have a duty to inform Children’s Services. This is a requirement of the Private Fostering Regulation 2005.

If you think you know a child who is in a private arrangement or you have any queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch:

Children's Resource Service
Tel: 023 8083 3004 – please ask for private fostering

Private fostering and the local authority

  • Private fostering is not an arrangement set up by the local authority
  • Private fostering is not the same as local authority foster caring
  • Private foster carers are not approved foster carers by the local authority
  • Private foster carers are not paid by the local authority but may, in some circumstances, receive alternative means of support from the local authority
  • A close relative is legally defined in The Children Act 1989 as step-parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle or aunt (whether of full blood, half blood or by marriage).

If an individual caring for another’s child does not fall into the definition stated above, this may be regarded as a private fostering arrangement and will need to be assessed by the local authority.

Parental responsibilities and duties

The parents of the child who is in a private fostering arrangement will still legally hold parental responsibility for their child at all times.

Parents will maintain an active role in all decisions regarding their child’s life.

It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that a private fostering arrangement is suitable and safe for the child and that the needs of the child will be met by the carer.

The parent must inform the local authority six weeks prior to the arrangement starting. However, in the case of an emergency, the parent must inform the department within 48 hours of the start of the arrangement.

In some cases the arrangement may exceed the 28 day threshold due to unforeseen circumstances. When it does, it is the responsibility of the parents and private foster carers to inform the local authority immediately.

Private fostering assessment

Southampton Children’s Services need to complete a private fostering assessment. The assessment would consider the needs of the child and the capacity of the carer to meet those needs.  It will determine if the child’s welfare would be safeguarded.

Arrangement ceasing

In the case of the arrangement ending or coming to an end, it is the responsibility of the private foster carer to notify Children’s Services within 48 hours of the child leaving their care.  The carer will also need to supply the child’s new address and carer’s details.


A social worker will visit six weekly in the first year of the arrangement and every three months once the arrangement has exceeded one year. These statutory visits are carried out to ensure the child is safe and well and happy within the arrangement.