Employee diversity and inclusion

This page has diversity and inclusion data for Southampton City Council employees. 

Last updated: 20 March 2023


Gender Percentage
Male 23.26%
Female 33.64%
Not supplied 42.15%
Prefer not to say 0.95%

Ethnicity, culture and heritage

Ethnicity, culture and heritage Percentage
Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background 0.65%
Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi 0.24%
Asian or Asian British - Indian 0.65%
Asian or Asian British - Pakistani 0.33%
Black or Black British - African 1.27%
Black or Black British - Any other black background 0.14%
Black or Black British - Caribbean 0.57%
Chinese or other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group 0.07%
Chinese or other ethnic group - Chinese 0.56%
Irish, Gypsy or Romany Traveller 0.02%
Mixed - Any other mixed background 0.72%
Mixed - White and Asian 0.4%
Mixed - White and Black African 0.18%
Mixed - White and Black Caribbean 0.19%
White - Any other white background 3.01%
White - British 61.91%
White - Irish 0.65%
Prefer not to disclose 2.26%
Not supplied 26.20%


Age Percentage
Under 25 4.04%
25-34 19.51%
35-44 27.31%
45-54 24.62%
55-64 21.49%
65 & over 3.03%

Recorded disability

Recorded disability Percentage
Disabled 2.66%
Non-disabled 49.85%
Not supplied 42.72%
Prefer not to say 4.78%


Religion Percentage
Any other religion or belief 0.67%
Buddhist 0.41%
Christian 22.01%
Hindu 1.37%
Jewish 0.05%
Muslim 1.17%
No religion 37.45%
Pagan 0.12%
Sikh 0.65%
Spiritual 0.75%
Not supplied 28.27%
Prefer not to say 7.09%

Sexual orientation

Sexual orientation Percentage
Bisexual 1.00%
Gay/Lesbian 1.72%
Heterosexual 59.17%
Other 0.62%
Not supplied 28.00%
Prefer not to say 9.50%