Access to contaminated land information

Contaminated land register (section 78R)

In accordance with Section 78R (1) of The Environmental Protection Act (1990), we manage a register of information. You must get written permission from the author before you can store, reproduce, alter or transcribe (in any form or by any means) any of the information held on this register.

Radcliffe Road North and South - we found that Radcliffe Road allotments (north and south) were determined as being 'contaminated land' in December 2002:

Environment information requests

We hold information about the contaminated land that we own and maintain. The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 allows local authorities the opportunity to charge a reasonable amount for providing information and to request advance payment.

You can make a request online.

We currently charge £64.35 per hour; the total charge is dependant upon the quantity and type of information that needs collating, however, we are happy to provide you with a quote.

Responses will be returned within 20 days of receipt of full payment plus any further particulars required.

For further information please contact us at or call 023 8083 3005.