Housing policies

All housing policy documents can be found at the bottom of this page.

Housing Asset Management Strategy 2022-2026

The Housing Asset Management Strategy (HAMS), approved in March 2022, ensures that the council’s social housing portfolio is managed economically, ensuring the health, safety and security of tenants and the communities in which they live.

The strategic objectives of HAMS includes:

  • Managing, maintaining and improving homes to a good standard
  • Cost-effective repairs that reflect residents’ needs, preferences and aspirations
  • Ensuring all homes are green, sustainable and energy efficient

Housing strategy 2016-2025 and Tenancy strategy

The housing strategy is an overarching strategy which sets out the council’s priorities to meet local housing needs and aspirations thereby contributing to the overall long-term aim to improve the quality of life for all citizens in Southampton. These priorities are translated into a series of targets and actions.

Homelessness prevention strategy

The Government requires that all councils produce a homelessness strategy and review it every five years. We have a city wide commitment to resolving and preventing homelessness in Southampton and this strategy supports and reflects this approach. View the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy.

Homelessness needs assessment

You can find the Southampton Homelessness Needs Assessment 2023 on Southampton Data Observatory (select 'Resources' from the table of contents and then select 'Homelessness Prevention Needs Assessment and Strategy').

Housing revenue account business plan

This is Southampton’s second housing revenue account (HRA) business plan produced as part of the Housing Improvement Programme (HIP) submission. It sets out plans for the HRA housing stock over a five, nine and 30-year timeframe to enable us to track our progress against the decent homes standard and respond to longer term investment needs.

Council lettings policy and Lettings policy and mutual exchange policy temporary amendment

The Lettings Policy details information all about, for example, how we let our properties to people, how you may be eligible, and how our housing points system works. A copy of this document is available on request from Housing Allocations:


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Council (landlord) tenancy policy

This landlord tenancy policy for the city council reflects the city's key objectives, the city plan, the tenancy strategy and takes into account other relevant strategies such as the housing and homelessness strategies.

It is intended to describe in more detail the types of tenancy which we will offer and the way in which we will do this.

Move-on and Pathway Guidance

This document explains the criteria and processes by which the council will review and assess provider proposals for the city over the next two years.

Gypsy and traveller accommodation assessment report

Gypsies and travellers are ethnic minorities recognised by the Race Relations Amendment Act. Under the terms of the Act they have a right to a nomadic life style, to equal access to services such as education, health, and accommodation, and to protection from discrimination and harassment.

As a result of the problems that the gypsy and traveller community increasingly face, the government has required all local authorities to carry out accommodation needs assessments for the community. This information is to be used to inform the Regional Spatial Strategy. This strategy sets out pitch numbers for each local authority.

The accommodation needs of gypsies and travellers and show people is in the process of being updated and will be published in due course.

Building safety engagement strategy

Southampton City Council manages the safety of council-owned residential flats or maisonettes. This includes protecting tenants against the spreading of fire, gas, and electrical hazards.

This strategy is for residents, shared owners, or leaseholders of council-owned residential flats or maisonettes. We want to hear from you about the safety of your building. This strategy sets out how we will involve you in building safety decisions.

View the short version, leading to the full version.

Document Type Size
Housing Asset Management Strategy 2022-2026pdf4.4 MB
Housing Strategy 2016-2025pdf57.8 KB
Move On and Pathway Guidancepdf117.7 KB
Tenancy strategypdf314.4 KB
Housing needs and market surveypdf460.7 KB
Decommissioning of housing stock policypdf616.8 KB
Acquisition and compulsory purchase orders policypdf556.9 KB
Council (landlord) tenancy policypdf288.7 KB
Housing allocations (letting) policy 2019pdf450.5 KB
Southampton's Children and Young People's SEND Strategy 2022/27pdf2.0 MB
Anti-social Behaviour Policypdf429.9 KB