Need help with your energy bills?

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Need help with your energy bills?

There are lots of small ways we can all start to reduce our energy consumption, which will help protect the environment as well as save us money

If you’re worried about the current energy crisis and anxious about how you’re going to pay your bills and keep warm this winter, help is available from the Southampton Healthy Homes Team. The experienced energy advisors offer free advice and support on how you can save money and cut your energy costs.

Managed by Southampton City Council and delivered by the Environment Centre (tEC), the Southampton Healthy Homes Team offer personal advice and support tailored to your individual household.

They can recommend ways to reduce your gas and electricity bills, request energy and water bill discounts and offer support if disputes arise with your energy supplier.

Follow these simple tips at home and see if you can cut your bills:

  • Wait until you have a full load of laundry before turning on the washing machine and, when you’re ready to start it, adjust the default temperature setting for a cooler wash.
  • Hang out your laundry outdoors (especially on a sunny day) if space allows, or if you must use a tumble dryer, throw in a dryer ball to reduce drying time.
  • Keep showers short to cut energy costs and water bills. If you’re already a pro at limiting shower times, consider investing in an efficient shower head or flow restrictor (these are usually not recommended to use with electric showers).
  • Set your fridge to three-five degrees Celsius to keep food fresh without wasting electricity. Set your freezer to minus 16 degrees Celsius and be sure to defrost it if you notice ice build-up.

Contact the Southampton Healthy Homes Team for free and impartial energy advice this winter tailored to your personal situation by email or call the freephone advice line on 0800 804 8601.

And if you need general advice on managing your money, applying for benefits or tackling debt remember you can talk to our friendly Welfare Rights & Money Advice Team – simply email or call 023 8083 2339.
