Prepare your home and save money this winter

Tenants' Link

Prepare your home and save money this winter

With the nights drawing in and winter around the corner, now is a good time to start thinking about ways you can keep warm and save money.

We’ve put together some simple ways you can reduce your energy use which will cut your bills as well as helping the environment.

Lights out– Did you know that lighting makes up around 7% of the electricity we use in our homes? So get in the habit of flicking off the light switch as you walk out of a room and you’ll soon see your energy bills drop.

Light up – Switch to low energy light bulbs which use less electricity and last up to 12 times longer to help lower your electricity bills.Watch your chargers – Always unplug mobile phones, tablets and laptops when they are fully charged and you’ll help to prolong battery life as well as saving energy and money.

Hold the water – Running the tap while brushing your teeth wastes six litres of water a minute per person. Always turn off the tap while you brush and you’ll stop money escaping down the plughole. And wash your fruit and vegetables in a bowl rather than under a running tap to further save water.

Careful with your kettle – Save up to a third of the energy used to boil a full kettle simply by filling just to the level you need to make a cuppa.

Keep warm without turning up the thermostat

If you feel chilly at home, there are lots of simple ways to keep warm without cranking up the central heating and paying more on your energy bill including:

  • Open curtains during the day to let in sunlight then close them at dusk to keep the warmth in your room
  • Block out draughts with draught excluders
  • Add an extra layer of clothing
  • Keep your feet warm with thick socks or slippers
  • Drink plenty of warm drinks
  • Increase your body temperature by doing something active – try exercising, cleaning or go out for a brisk walk

Have you got any top money and energy saving tips to share with other Tenants’ Link readers? Please drop us a line, send us a tweet or post your ideas on our Facebook page and together we can make a real difference to the future of our planet and save some money at the same time!
