Southampton SACRE

Southampton SACRE is a pro-active group who take their statutory duty for Religious Education (RE) and Collective Worship very seriously and engage with the local community of schools across the city through advice, monitoring visits, projects and ensuring that the Locally Agreed Syllabus for RE is reviewed regularly.

The full SACRE meets four times a year, and working groups meet additionally outside of this to complete their focussed work reporting into the SACRE.

Current volunteer vacancies

Southampton SACRE Non-religious affiliate member

This advert is for a new interim member until the next review of the membership and constitution which will include information from the most recent census (November 2022).

The new, full voting member, will be able to bring a local non-religious or worldview position to the SACRE, and will be a full voting member of group A.

It may be someone who has affiliation to a local group who may follow a belief system, or an individual who would not be represented by any of the currently identified membership groups.

The new member will be expected to contribute to the statutory duties of Southampton SACRE. The next two meetings are scheduled for 7 February 2022 and 6 June 2022 TBC.

The member may choose to join a working sub-group. One group currently requires an enhanced DBS check to carry out its work, so the new member will need to consider that this will be a requirement if they choose to join the monitoring group (the working group currently requiring this check).

How to apply

Fill in the application form and email it to: [email protected] (FAO Chair of SACRE, Ruth Gill)

Closing date for applications: 12 noon on Wednesday 26 January

Southampton SACRE Non-religious affiliate member application form

Any questions regarding the voluntary position can be made by email to: [email protected]

A shortlisting exercise will be undertaken, and applicants will be informed by 6pm on Friday 28 January if they are invited to an informal interview which will be held on TEAMS after 4pm on 2 February.

We thank you for your interest.