Magazines and newspapers

You can view copies of various magazines and newspapers online:


Enjoy the convenience of accessing all your favourite publications in one place, along with the opportunity to discover new content from around the world for free. You can read them on your computer, smartphone or tablet for free. You will need your library card number to access this service.

Visit PressReader.

Times Digital Archive

Only available in libraries. View digital images of complete pages of every issue of The Times from 1785 to 2006 as they were originally published. This provides a comprehensive and accurate view of the world from the perspective of journalists who lived and reported the events of the last 200 years. A remarkable source of information for social and political history.

Visit the Times Digital Archive.

British Newspaper Archive

Only available in libraries. Whether you are a researcher, historian or simply want to know more about Britain's history, take this fantastic opportunity to search the British Newspaper Archive.

Visit the British Newspaper Archive.