City Centre Action Plan

The City Centre Action Plan was adopted on 18 March 2015.

The City Centre Action Plan (CCAP) updates the statutory planning framework for the city centre. It sets the framework for protecting the historic and natural environments, tackling climate change and creating an attractive and uplifting place to be, while promoting more offices, shops, homes and leisure facilities. It identifies the improvements in infrastructure required to support this growth to create a city centre of which we can be proud.

The vision in the City Centre Action Plan will be delivered through action across 6 cross-cutting themes. The city centre will be:

  • A great place for business
  • A great place to visit
  • A great place to live
  • A greener centre
  • Attractive and distinctive
  • Easy to get about

The City Centre Action Plan is used by the council when deciding planning applications in the city centre. It replaces the city centre policies in the Local Plan Review.

Electronic versions are available of:

The City Centre Master Plan which helped to inform the preparation of the Action Plan is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications where it is consistent with the City Centre Action Plan.

Background papers for the City Centre Action Plan.