Proposed timeline for Inclusive Education Audit process

Inclusion is about everyone feeling welcomed, valued, respected and supported. Please see below for the proposed timeline of the Inclusive Education Audit process. Dates and activities are not set and can be tailored to the individual education setting's needs. When planning any meetings, you can refer to the proposed structure for meetings for guidance.

Term 1

Key activities:

  • Initial introduction meeting with Inclusion Audit Manager to outline the process (30 to 60 minutes)
  • Completion of school-based reflections on inclusive practice using resources provided (four to six weeks)
  • Gathering of parent/carer feedback on inclusive practice through questionnaire provided (four to six weeks)
  • Gathering of pupil feedback through questionnaire provided (four to six weeks)
  • Support with data collection from the Inclusion Audit Manager
  • Audit review meeting with Inclusion Audit Manager to share results and to develop implementation plan with at least three core areas of activity (1 to 1.5 hours)

Term 2

Key activities:

  • Sharing of implementation plan with all key stakeholders, including staff, parents/carers, and pupils
  • Implementation of plan development
  • Access to support as outlined in the Menu of Support. This includes universal support, peer mentoring opportunities and individual setting support
  • Access to Inclusion Audit Manager for consultation, guidance, and advice
  • Optional supportive visit from Inclusion Audit Manager

Term 3

Key activities:

  • Continued implementation of plan development
  • Continued access to support as outlined in the Menu of Support
  • This includes universal support, peer mentoring opportunities and individual setting support
  • Continued access to Inclusion Audit Manager for consultation, guidance, and advice
  • Optional supportive visit from Inclusion Audit Manager

Term 4

Key activities:

  • Review meeting with Inclusion Audit Manager to outline review process (30 to 60 minutes)
  • Completion of school-based reflections on inclusive practice using resources provided (four to six weeks)
  • Gathering of parent/carer feedback on inclusive practice through questionnaire provided (four to six weeks)
  • Gathering of pupil feedback through questionnaire provided (four to six weeks)
  • Support with data collection by Inclusion Audit Manager
  • Follow up meeting with Inclusion Audit Manager to share results and to develop implementation plan with at least three core areas of activity (1 to 1.5 hours)
  • Results of process sharing with all key stakeholders, including staff, parents/carers, and pupil

Term 5 onwards

The process from terms 2 to 4 is repeated.

Contacting the Inclusion Audit Manager

For more information and support with your education setting's Inclusive Education Audit, please contact us.

Email: [email protected]

Face to face: Book an initial meeting