The Accessibility Forum

The Accessibility Forum in Southampton aims to bring people together to design a city that is easy for everyone to get around.

Southampton City Council runs the forum with regular meetings. Membership includes disability and mobility advocacy groups.

The forum meets every three months to review proposals for highway changes in the city.

Forum aims

  • To give community representatives an active role in shaping proposals on transport and place projects
  • To help people report access issues to the council that prevent easy movement for all residents
  • Manage and prioritise a budget for small accessibility improvements

You can read the Accessibility Forum terms of reference.

This page will contain:

  • Details of forum meeting dates
  • Minutes of meetings
  • Contact links so that you can get in touch with the forum organisers

Contact and report issues

If you have a request for improvements for the Forum to consider, please email

When writing your request, please include the following details in the email:

  • Type of access issue e.g. inaccessible pedestrian crossing, lack of dropped kerb or trip hazard
  • Where the problem is located – please provide as much detail as you can to help us find the problem – you can also provide a Google Maps location to help us find the issue

If you wish to report an issue with current road conditions, you should log your request via our online portal on the potholes and road problems page.

If you want to report another issue with the highway, such as broken paving slabs, you should log your request via our online portal on the other road issues page.

Micromobility Equalities Forum

Together with partners across the Solent Region, Southampton City Council hosts the Micromobility Equalities Forum. This enables people with disabilities to give feedback on the e-scooter and bike share schemes that are in place across Southampton, Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight, and meets four times a year. This work is funded as part of the Future Transport Zone.

If you are a charity or organisation that represents people with disabilities with a particular interest in influencing the bike and e-scooter schemes, please email for more information.