Street entertainment

There is no need for street entertainers to seek authorisation from the council before they perform. However, we ask performers to restrict performing to the five street entertainment or busking points. Three of these are in the Above Bar Street precinct, one in Carlton Place and one in Oxford Street.

Loud music can cause nuisance and performers are asked to keep volumes to reasonable levels and not to use amplifiers. Use of amplifiers in such circumstances is likely to contravene Byelaw 48 (please note the fine is now a maximum of £200). Performers should ensure they are not obstructing the highway, entrances or exits to any premises. Additionally, no dangerous or anti social performances are permitted. Failure to do so may lead to action by the city council and/or the police.

Any performers do so at their own risk and indemnify the council against any damage caused by them, breaches of the law and/or claims made as a result of their usage of the land.

Many passers-by show their appreciation by dropping a few coins in a hat and this is allowed without authorisation providing that this forms part of the performer's income. Collecting money for charities will need approval in advance from the city council. More information on charity collecting.

In addition, the sale of goods by performers (including CDs and DVDs) along the majority of Above Bar Street is not allowed as this is street trading which is contrary to a local Sale of Goods Order.

For more information, see Visit Southampton's Guide to Busking and Street Performance in Southampton.