Taxi cameras

For the purpose of protecting both the public and drivers, a condition requiring an approved taxi camera to be fitted to hackney carriages and private hire vehicles was re-introduced in September 2013, following a short period of suspension.

The effect of this is that the majority of licensed vehicles are fitted with a taxi camera. The cameras continually record visual images and audio recording can be activated by the driver, when necessary, for a period of five minutes.

The images and audio cannot be monitored and relevant data will only be recovered when necessary - Southampton City Council is the data controller. The policy on taxi cameras is contained within the Taxi Policy.

Cameras installed in vehicles must meet the taxi camera specification and be approved by the authority. In order to keep the system manageable, no more than four types of camera will be approved at any one time.

Document Type Size
Vehicle Application Guidance html n/a
Taxi camera Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) pdf 386.3 KB

View the Taxi Camera Systems privacy notice.