Safeguarding and welfare
Call 999 if it is an emergency and the child is in immediate danger
Anyone who works with children and young people is required to have up to date and appropriate safeguarding training to their role. Organisations should also check the relevant statutory guidance for how often their safeguarding training needs to be refreshed.
Education settings should refer to the Department of Education statutory guidance 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'. Early Years and Childcare providers should refer to the EYFS Statutory Framework. All education and childcare settings must have Safeguarding Designated Lead/s. Childminders must take the lead responsibility themselves.
For more information and guidance around safeguarding, please visit Southampton Safeguarding Children Partnership. This website provides links to safeguarding policies, procedures and training.
If you have concerns about a child
If you are worried that a child may be at risk of abuse, harm or neglect, you should make a referral to the children’s social care. You should do so immediately. Find out more about spotting these risks and how to report a concern.
If there is an emergency and a child is in immediate danger, you should dial 999.
Practitioners who make a referral should always follow up their concerns if they are not satisfied with the response.
Safeguarding contact details
Children’s Resource Service
- Number for professionals: 023 8083 2300
- Number for public use: 023 8083 3004
- Emergency Duty Team: 023 8023 3344
- Email: [email protected]
If you are unsure about whether you wish to make a referral, please consult the Southampton Pathways Document. If you are a professional, please consult the DSL within your organisation.
Early help for families
When problem's first occur the right early help services at the right time can prevent emerging problems from getting worse. For those children and families who need some additional help, our Children and Families First Services provide support and expertise to the child and family.
If you think a child, young person or family may benefit from support from Children and Families First, please consider undertaking an early help assessment. This will help you to be clear about the child and family’s needs and will support a referral if you decide this is needed.
If you would like to know more about accessing support for a family, then please visit the Children and Families First page.
For professionals, you can find out more about the Families Matter programme.
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
For advice, guidance and the management of allegations.
- Tel: 023 8091 5535
- Mobile: 07500 952 037
- Email: [email protected]
- ChildLine: 0800 1111
- NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000
For further information view what to do if you have safeguarding concerns.
Further resources and universal services
If you’re a family member or professional who wants to find out what support is available apart from Children and Families First, you can view more resources.