Escalating to stage two

If the service has not managed to resolve your complaint satisfactorily and you have received a formal response, you can request a review of your complaints by the director responsible for the relevant service area. In the case of housing or children's services complaints the review will be undertaken by the Complaints Resolution Team. The details of how to do this will be on the formal response letter/email you will receive from the service area at stage one.

The Director of the relevant service area or the manager of our Complaint Resolution Team will aim to acknowledge your complaint within five working days. We will investigate what went wrong and why the service was not able to resolve your complaint.

The relevant officer will then respond to your complaint within 20 working days. If your complaint is a lot more complex, we may need a bit more time to resolve it, but we will let you know if this is the case.

For some complaints about children's services that fall within the statutory process under the Childrens Act 1989 you will receive a response within 25 working days. Your acknowledgement will tell you if the complaint about Childrens Services falls within the Statutory or Corporate process.

Still not resolved