Help paying Council Tax

Are you struggling with Council Tax payments?

If you don’t pay your Council Tax by the dates shown on your bill you will receive a reminder. If you still do not pay you risk having a court summons and additional charges being added on top of the outstanding amount.

If you begin to struggle with the payments, please contact us immediately. We can offer options that could help your circumstances, such as:

There is useful advice on dealing with Council Tax arrears on the Citizens Advice Bureau website. They also offer a drop-in service at our Central Library.

You could also be eligible for other benefits.

If you are a Council Tenant you can speak to our Welfare Rights & Money Advice team for guidance.

Remember: If you apply for a discount after receiving a bill, you will still have to pay the full amount until we make a decision. If a discount is awarded, you will receive an amended bill within 15 working days after applying.