Prepare before flooding

Sign up for flood warnings

The first thing to do is sign-up for alerts with the Met Office. You will receive email alerts straight to your inbox.

Sign up to the Met Office weather warnings.

You can also:

Check current flood warnings

You can check flood warnings at GOV.UK.

Check weather warnings in place

View the Met Office weather warnings and their weather warnings guide.

Know how to prepare

Would you be prepared if your home floods? See these tips to help you be prepared if your home floods:

Do you know how to turn off your utilities?

You might need to do this if you are flooded. Find out where and how to do this (each home is different).

The gas shut-off is usually beside the meter.

The water stopcock is often found under the kitchen sink

Electricity shut-offs are usually a red switch in the fuse box.

Ask for help if you need assistance finding out where they are.

Put your valuables and important documents on a high shelf or upper floor

Water can destroy everything. Photos might not seem valuable now but treat them like important documents and keep them up high.

Check that your household building or contents insurance covers flooding

Ensure that you have suitable insurance to cover your building and contents from flood damage. Keep your documents on your person or in a safe place.

Create a list of useful contact numbers

This could include your insurance company, landlord,  housing association, and emergency numbers, including:

  • 105 for electricity
  • 0330 303 0368 for water
  • 0800 111 999 for gas

If you are elderly, disabled, or with very young children, you may also wish to register with your utility companies’ Priority Services Register for additional support. Ensure you have these numbers saved in your phone and that it has sufficient charge.

Prepare a flood kit

This should include any items you must have if you need to leave home including:

  • Medicine
  • Warm and waterproof clothing
  • A phone charger
  • ID and essential documents
  • A torch

For more on how to create a kit and what to put in it, see personal flood plan.

Check the drains outside your home and on your street are clear

As a homeowner you have a duty to clear the drains within your property boundary.

If you are a renter speak to your landlord/housing association.

Report any street drainage issues

Report street drainage issues to us at other road issues.

Report water or wastewater issues to Southern Water at report a problem, or see works or issues in your area.

Prepare your home

Deploy any flood resilience or resistance measure you have to help prevent or reduce the impact of flooding, for example, flood board and airbrick covers.

More information

The Flood Hub have more information for both households and businesses. See: