Intruder alarms
Alarms should not sound for more than 20 minutes. If you are being disturbed by an alarm which is sounding continuously, you can report it to the council.
If it appears the property has been broken into, please phone the police.
We will attempt to locate the owner of the property or a key holder and ask them to stop the alarm from sounding. If this is not possible, the council can apply to a court for a warrant to enter the premises and disable the alarm. This can take some time to arrange and the owner of the premises will be responsible for the costs incurred to enter the premises and disable the alarm.
If you have an alarm fitted to your premises you should check that it has a cut out device to silence it after 20 minutes.
Vehicle alarms
The council can also deal with alarms fitted to vehicles which sound continuously for more than an hour. The council will try to contact the owner of the vehicle, so that the alarm can be silenced. If the owner cannot be contacted, the council may enter the vehicle to disable the alarm or move the vehicle to another location where the alarm will not cause disturbance. The owner is liable for any costs incurred when entering or moving the vehicle.
If it appears the vehicle has been broken into, please phone the police.
If you own a vehicle, you should:
- Only have an alarms fitted by a competent installer
- Check the alarm has an automatic cut-out that will silence it shortly after it has been activated
- Check the alarm regularly to make sure it is still operating correctly
- Have any faults rectified immediately
Make a noise complaint