GROW Business Breakfast

Southampton City Council hosts insightful business breakfast at Network Eagle Lab

Attendees at the meeting, sitting on chairs, listening to the Leader of the Council speaking. There are about 30 people

Southampton City Council welcomed local businesses to a dynamic business breakfast held at Barclays Network Eagle Lab on Tuesday, 12 March 2024. The event served as a platform for members of the council’s leadership team to update business leaders on its strategic plans to overcome challenges and to underscore the key priorities driving the city's economic development.

Speakers at the breakfast event included:

  • Councillor Lorna Fielker, Leader of the Council, who provided a comprehensive overview of the current situation and outlined the visionary path for the city's future
  • Andrew Travers, Chief Executive of the Council, shared insights into the proactive measures being taken to address the challenges confronting the council
  • Councillor Sarah Bogle, Cabinet Member for Economic Development, explained the key priorities driving Southampton's economic development agenda

Attendees had the opportunity to engage with the speakers during a Q&A session and take part in networking activities, fostering collaboration and dialogue between the council and the local business community.

The event at Barclays Eagle Lab not only showcased the council's commitment to transparent communication but also demonstrated its dedication to fostering a robust and thriving economy. As Southampton forges ahead, the partnership between the council and the business community stands as a commitment to the city's collaborative spirit and determination to create a prosperous future for all.

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