Facing financial problems because of Coronavirus?

Tenants' Link

Facing financial problems because of Coronavirus?

We know the lockdown has caused a huge strain on household budgets, with many tenants unable to work. As a result, we temporarily stopped taking action against anyone who has fallen behind with their rent and other council bills over the past few months.

This was to reduce the financial pressure many are experiencing and to give people time to access support by claiming benefits or business grants, or applying to the Government’s furlough scheme.

Now that other financial support is available and national lockdown restrictions are easing, we are starting to look at unpaid bills again (from 1 June). We appreciate many tenants are still struggling financially because of Coronavirus so we are getting in touch to offer help and support to those people struggling with debt.

If you have slipped into rent arrears over the past few weeks and are having difficulties paying your bills, please talk to us so we can work out a way forward together. We can organise affordable payment options that are based on your personal circumstances to help you make a start at clearing your debt.

We are busy contacting people who have fallen behind with rent or other council payments. You may receive a phone call, letter or text message from council staff to discuss your situation. To check the message is a genuine offer of support from the council and not a scam, you can visit our website (and click ‘Avoid COVID-19 scams’) or call our helpline on 023 8083 4800.

We’re here to help you through this situation so if you (or someone you know) is struggling financially please get in touch. There is information on our website about how to contact us if you are struggling to pay

Our friendly, experienced Welfare Rights and Money Advice team can check you are receiving the benefits you are entitled to and help you work out a way forward out of debt.

You can also get advice and support on debt from local and national agencies.
