Flying high at Wyndham Court

Tenants' Link

Flying high at Wyndham Court

Pigeons (and the mess they make) can be a real nuisance at tower blocks, so we’ve hired some special recruits to help control the situation ethically at Wyndham Court.

Willow, Luna and Freddie are three harrier hawks who are brought to the block of flats several times a week by a trained falconer. The birds of prey don’t chase or harm the pigeons; they simply fly around the site in order to provide a predatory presence. Their controlled, regular flights around the flats aim to discourage the pigeons from nesting and roosting on site.

Before the hawks began their regular visits earlier this year it was estimated that a flock of approximately 150 pigeons were making Wyndham Court their home. As a result, there was a lot of fouling in the car park and around the block, and some birds were even nesting on residents’ balconies.

However, thanks to regular flights by Willow, Luna and Freddie, the pigeon numbers have already reduced by around 50%. This has resulted in a lot less mess to walkways and a nicer environment for everyone who lives and visits the block. Following this early success, the birds of prey will continue to visit Wyndham Court for a further 12 months. They will fly around the flats each week to help further lower the pigeon numbers and as a result reduce the mess even more.

However, with warmer weather approaching, the pigeons’ nesting activities may increase. If you live in Wyndham Court and are experiencing problems with pigeons fouling or nesting on your balcony, please get in touch with Central Local Housing Office so we can organise for the falconer to remove the nest (under DEFRA licence conditions).

As we reported last year, Wyndham Court is the subject of a special online art exhibition that you can view online. Local photographer Rachel Adams created the Life Is Brutalist art project to celebrate the iconic building and the residents who live inside. Alongside photographs capturing life at Wyndham Court, Rachel recorded interviews with local people about their experiences of living in the block. Southampton musicians Emma Richardson and Russell Marsden from Band of Skulls also composed an original soundscape to add to the exhibition. View it on the Life is Brutalist website as well as a short trailer on YouTube called Life is Brutalist: a portrait of Wyndham Court.
