No one has to live in fear at home

Tenants' Link

No one has to live in fear at home

Social distancing rules and local lockdowns that aim to protect us from COVID-19, in fact mean many victims of domestic abuse are trapped at home with their abuser.

Sadly, as is the case across the country, we’ve seen a marked increase in reports of domestic abuse since the start of the pandemic. So we’ve stepped up our specialist support to help victims at this difficult time.

Members of our team who have been trained as Domestic Abuse Champions have been actively supporting council residents who are living in dangerous situations at home. The staff have received specialist training to spot and respond to domestic abuse and have already helped several people, including safely rehoming one family at significant risk from a violent ex-partner.

We know that lockdown can feel frightening and isolating for victims, especially when it’s impossible to see friends and family. But help and support is still available whenever you need it – both online and on the phone.

Recently, and by working with partner organisations, we’ve supported affected tenants by:

  • Arranging rehousing – either through an urgent transfer into alternative council housing or by providing deposits to enable affected families to move into permanent homes in the private sector
  • Paying for victims to travel to out-of-area refuges
  • Providing furniture to people who have had to flee their homes and leave behind possessions
  • Making phone calls to check in with victims to ensure they are safe
  • Reopening cases where COVID-19 restrictions have affected tenants’ welfare
  • Carrying out free home repairs when damage has been related to domestic abuse
  • Completing home security improvements for tenants affected by domestic abuse

If you’re worried about domestic abuse contact your Local Housing Office in complete confidence. If you’re in danger, or if you feel one of your neighbours is, dial 999.

Further support is available from:

If you are worried about hurting the person you live with contact:

  • The Hampton Trust Hampshire: 02380 009898
  • National Respect helplines: 0808 8024040 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm)

If you’re a child or young person and domestic abuse is happening in your home or relationship call Childline on 0800 1111.
