Damp and condensation

Damp air is more expensive to heat and makes a house feel colder than it actually is, so people set thermostat levels higher than they need to. Damp and mould are a common problem in the home so it’s important to find its cause and get rid of it as soon as you can. Over time, damp and mould can affect your health too.

Damp and mould are caused by excess moisture. Moisture in buildings can be caused by leaking pipes, rising damp in basements or ground floors, or rain seeping in because of damage to the roof or around window frames.

In a newly built home, damp can occur if the water that was used when the house was built is still drying out.

  1. When possible, dry your clothing outside. If you need to dry them inside, try dry them in front of an open window or in front of, but not on, a radiator
  2. Use lids for cooking whenever you can, this reduces the amount of water needed and cooks food more quickly
  3. Bathrooms and kitchens are the most prone to condensation. It is ideal to have an extractor fan in these rooms to use when bathing/cooking
  4. Sinks, showers, bathtubs and window frames are also problem areas. Take extra care to keep these areas clean and dry
  5. Keep your house ventilated. Try to open windows at either side of your house to allow for cross ventilation
  6. Avoid clutter around radiators as it can reduce the circulation of air
  7. Where possible, keep your home warm. Warm homes don’t suffer from as much condensation. Try putting your thermostat on a lower setting for a longer duration. This is more effective than short bursts of heat