Mental health and domestic abuse

Mental Health and domestic abuse

Domestic violence and abuse is one of the biggest causes of depression and other mental health issues in women.

It is not only about causing physical injury but also psychological harm.

These issues can make an abusive situation even worse as the abuse may make use of a mental health diagnosis. e.g telling someone that they are mad.

Abusers sometimes use mental health to exert further control of their victim by:

  • Telling them they are mad so they may come to believe it.
  • Telling them they could not cope on their own
  • Refusing to let them out on their own
  • Telling them that no-one else would put up with them

Mental health difficulties are not the victim’s fault and they are not responsible for the abuse – the abuser is.

Support services

Steps to Wellbeing Service

A free, confidential NHS service for people aged 18 plus and registered with a Southampton GP surgery.

Telephone: 0800 612 7000

Solent Mind

A registered charity providing a wide range of high quality services to support people with mental health problems across the Southern Region.

Telephone: 023 8202 7810

Samaritans Southampton and District

Samaritans is a unique charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide.

Telephone: 116 123

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