Education, Health and Care Plan information for young people
An Education, Health and Care Plan, also known as an EHCP, is a legal document that gives information about the support children and young people aged 0-25 years old need to have in place to be able to attend school and college.
Watch the video to find out more about Education, Health and Care Plans
There is also an easy read document available to view if you would like to read more information about Education, Health and Care Plans.
There is a team of people that you can contact about your Education, Health and Care Plan. This team is called the 0-25 Service and you contact them by phone or email.
If you do not have an Education, Health and Care Plan but would like to speak to someone about the support you receive at school and college, you can still send an email to the email address below or call the telephone number below for help and support.
The phone number is: 023 8083 3013
The email address is: [email protected]
View more information about Education, Health and Care Plans.