HAF registration and booking

The funding for this holiday activity programme is for children who are in receipt of benefits-related free school meals (Reception to Year 11). View information on free school meals eligibility


There is a step-by-step registration guide for the Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme.

To register for the HAF programme please complete our web form:

Register for HAF

If you wish to register your interest in accessing our HAF programme: Special Educational Needs (SEN) specific provision, please use this self-referral form:


Before you fill in this form

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself five minutes to fill in the form.

HAF self-referral for SEN provision

Sign in

If you are already registered you can sign in instead, there is a short guide on signing in and booking.

Log in to your account and book for places in the HAF programme:

Sign in for HAF booking

Contact information

You can find out more about the Holiday Activity and Food Programme via e-mail or social media. Like and follow our social media pages for current news, upcoming events and activities.

Email: HAF@southampton.gov.uk

Facebook: HAF Southampton

Instagram: @HAFsouthampton on Instagram

X: @HAFsouthampton on X / Twitter

Don't forget to follow #SOHAF #HAF