Contact: Dilys Gartside
Telephone: 01258 860 157 or 07751 044365
Email: [email protected]
"Having cycle commuted to work for years as a solicitor, in 2005 I qualified as a freelance cycling instructor and set up Cyclewise in Southampton to teach, both adults and children of any age or ability, the joys and skills to ride a bicycle as a mode of transport.
In Jan 2023, I gained 1st4sportLevel2 recognition, being the updated qualification required by all cycling instructors.
When not teaching, I am leading rides for less confident folk and campaigning for safer cycling, particularly the 20sPlenty movement seeking a reduction in the default speed limit in built up areas from 30mph to 20mph, at which most errors can be avoided or walked away from.
I'm now based in North Dorset but cover locations from there to Southampton where I still regularly teach."