Cost of living/fuel poverty and safeguarding

There are many ways that the rising cost of living can affect people’s health and wellbeing. Amongst many things, being unable to buy food for yourself or all your family, unable to heat your home, generate hot water or pay your bills increases the risk of abuse and neglect happening as well as health issues (including mental health).

Local guidance and information on cost of living issues can be found on the Southampton City Council cost of living webpages.

Need help?

The Southampton Safeguarding Adults Board have identified local services that may be able to support those needing financial support, food, clothing and housing. We've put together a list that shares some of the services that may be available.

Hampshire and IOW Fire and Rescue Service have put together support resources as part of their 5Cs cost of living campaign.

Support for housing costs

District and borough councils will be supporting vulnerable households with exceptional housing costs, where existing housing support schemes do not meet need and for cases of genuine emergency. A provision for support of housing costs, in exceptional cases of genuine emergency where existing housing support schemes do not meet the need, and in cases of genuine emergency. District and borough councils will determine funding based on individual needs.

Government Cost of Living Support SHOW

National Energy Action SHOW

Age UK - keeping well this winter SHOW

Fraud and scams

You might be contacted with misleading or fraudulent offers designed to con you out of your money. These are received by post, email, social media messages, telephone, text or face-to-face. Advice is available about how to spot scams and frauds, to prevent yourself or someone you know becoming the victim of a scam or fraud and losing your money.

Action Fraud – Reporting Fraud and Cybercrime SHOW

Action Fraud Amazon Prime scam SHOW

Romance fraud SHOW

Hampshire Constabulary - stay safe from fraud guides SHOW

Ann Craft Trust - 3 ways to stay safe online SHOW

Friends Against Scams - latest scams SHOW

Take Five campaign to stop fraud SHOW

Number spoofing scams - OfCom advice SHOW

Little Book of Big Scams SHOW