Tenant engagement
Making the difference
At Southampton City Council we are committed to working with our tenants to make a real difference to the services they receive. If you are a tenant or leaseholder, we need your input to help us improve the area in which you live as well as the services we deliver.
There are all sorts of ways you can get involved to help us improve our service either as an individual, or by joining a local group or consultative body.
For the latest updates, please contact Tenant Engagement:
- Phone: 023 8083 3185
- Email: [email protected]
- Follow Housing's social media channels via Facebook @southamptonhousing and Twitter @sotonhousing
- Join our Tenant Engagement Facebook Group to discover more local and national tenant engagement news
You can also sign up online to the tenant engagement newsletter or use our web form:
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Meet the Tenant Participation and Engagement Team
We are here to provide you with lots of different opportunities to get involved, for you to hold us to account and make your voice heard.
The members of the team cover different areas of the city, providing support to local residents, leaseholders and tenants' associations that operate across Southampton:
- Lepsa Stojkovic, Team Leader, manages the Tenant Participation and Engagement Team
- Debbie Collis, Tenant Engagement Officer, covers the west side of the city
- Michael Farleigh, Tenant Engagement Officer, covers the east side of the city
- Ian Mitchell is Junior Neighbourhood Warden Coordinator
Document | Type | Size |
Tenant Engagement Satisfaction Survey May 2024 | 1.6 MB | |
Tenant Engagement Performance Report - quarter three - 2024 | 1.8 MB | |
Tenant and leaseholder involvement - Code of conduct | 146.9 KB | |
Tenant and leaseholder engagement strategy 2021-24 | 955.4 KB |
Past tenant engagement performance reports
Document | Type | Size |
Tenant Engagement Performance Report - quarter two - 2024 | 1.4 MB | |
Tenant Engagement Performance Report - quarter one - 2024 | 1.1 MB |