Street naming and numbering

Accurate and up-to-date details of the names and numbers of streets and properties is essential so that: 

  • Emergency services can find a property quickly
  • Mail can be delivered
  • Services such as broadband can be delivered

Once a property is officially registered, the postal address is entered onto the Royal Mail database.

Information for developers

Southampton City Council requires planning permission be granted before the name of streets or addresses can be processed. Applications for street names and house numbering should be made as soon as planning application is approved.

Naming of new streets

For new streets, we will consult with the developer and Royal Mail. Names with a local association, or those that follow a theme in the area, are favoured by the council. Names must not be the same or similar to any existing names in the area.

Numbering of new properties

For new streets, we assign numbers in a logical sequence. This will normally be with odd numbers on the left and even numbers on the right, from the most important street from which they lead. Developments on existing numbered streets will be numbered using suffixes (e.g. 12A and 12B).

Once official addresses have been allocated, developers must clearly mark buildings with the correct number within the road they are accessed from.

House names

All new properties will be given a number unless they are on a street without a numbering scheme, in which case a name will be agreed with the owner.


Once an address is registered, we will inform the Royal Mail and they will issue a postcodes. If you have a postcode enquiry, contact Royal Mail on:

Information for home owners

Changing or adding a house name

We will check the database to ensure any requested names, or ones that sound similar, are not already in use.

At a named address

Where a property has a name instead of a number, you will need to request the name is officially changed.

At a numbered address

The official postal number must be kept as part of the address, but you can apply to add or change a name using the form below.

Research of address details

We offer a research service for anyone interested in the origin of street or building names, including those that no longer exist. The cost of this service is £100 and is non-refundable, even if no information can be found. Requests can be submitted using the form below.

For requests where someone is trying to ascertain when a property or street has been renumbered, we can reference any plans that were drawn up. Both the Special Collections Library and Archives have plans and historic street directories which list, house by house, who lived in the streets from 1850 to 1975.

Street naming and numbering charges

Activity Charge
New development of 2 – 5 plots £213
New development/phases of 6 – 20 plots £213 + £11 per property
New development/phases of 21 – 100 plots £427 + £6 per property
New development/phases of 100+ plots £1,014
Naming of new block of flats/building £213 + £11 per property
New postal address for an individual property, annexe or change/addition of a house name £107
Change to new addresses due to the development changing after the schedule has been issued £16
Research archive for address history £107
Renaming of an existing street £213 + £6 per property

Apply online for street name and numbering

The form below can be used to make an application to change, add or remove a street or property name, or request a research of address.


Before you fill in this form

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself up to 10 minutes to fill in the form.

Time scales vary as to how long each process takes – the form gives estimated completion dates.

You will need the following documents and details, so make sure you have them to hand.

  • Developers: Planning permission, if allocating numbers to new or sub-divided properties
  • Developers: Planning application number, if applying for new streets and naming and numbering of new properties
  • Developers: Proposed names for new streets
  • Developers: A map or plan of new roads in relation to existing highways. This should show the footprint and property boundary will need in relation to the existing highway and primary access from the highway clearly marked
  • Property owners: The new name for your property
  • All applicants: A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*

Apply for new street names or numbering