Highways and planning

The highways section of the planning service may need to consult on some planning applications. We are able to offer developers advice on the construction of new and altered highway access, transport infrastructure improvements or initiatives required as part of a planning consent.

Email: planning@southampton.gov.uk

Safety is the primary concern of the highways section, therefore different levels of consideration are given for the different classifications of road and the volumes of traffic using them.

If your proposal is for a larger development you may be asked to make contributions towards improvements to cycleways, footpaths, pedestrian crossings or towards public transport improvements. You may also be asked to contribute tactile paving at pedestrian crossing points and raised kerbing at bus stops to enable easier pushchair and wheelchair bus access.

This is intended to support the council's policy to raise public awareness of alternative travel modes, making walking and cycling a safe and pleasant way to move around, and to encourage the use of public transport. We no longer design around car ownership, particularly within the more central areas of the city.

If your road is 'classified' you may be required to apply for planning permission for smaller projects such as installing a drop kerb.

  • Find out if your road is classified

Email: planning@southampton.gov.uk

Register your planning application online by going to www.planningportal.co.uk