Public Access conditions of use

Planned downtime

Due to essential maintenance work, Public Access will be unavailable from the morning of Saturday 27 July to the morning of Monday 29 July. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

You must agree to our terms and conditions to use Public Access.

Accept terms and conditions and view Public Access

Gambling Act 2005

The online licensing history contained within the site should not be considered as complete. No responsibility will be taken for any errors or omissions in the licensing history information obtained from Public Access. For complete information please contact the Southampton and Eastleigh Licensing Partnership Team or call us on 023 8083 3002.

All communications submitted though these systems and received by Southampton City Council or Eastleigh Borough Council after 5pm on any working day will be deemed to have been received on the next working day for the purposes of the calculation of time periods under the relevant legislation.

The information contained within Public Access does not constitute in any way a formal notification of a licensing application or decision and as such, any actions taken as a result of information displayed on the site are undertaken entirely at the viewer's own risk.

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the section 47 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous licences or to check whether deposited plans accord with licensed premises. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

With regard to Ordnance Survey mapping or any mapping created from Ordnance Survey material, you are reminded that this also subject to crown copyright. You may view or download this for private and non-commercial purposes only. Such mapping may not be further sub-licensed, sold, demonstrated, lent or otherwise transferred or exploited without the prior written permission of Ordnance Survey.

The Southampton and Eastleigh Licensing Partnership will try to ensure that only information which forms part of the public register is made available on this web site. In most cases the applicants' name and address forms part of the statutory register and must, therefore, appear on the web site. The Partnership will however, make every reasonable effort to remove personal details such as telephone numbers, email addresses and signatures prior to the information appearing on this web site.

The Southampton and Eastleigh Licensing Partnership will process your personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. The personal details provided by you will be held on a database and where the law allows, may be shared with other departments within either council to update details they hold about you. The councils may also be required to disclose personal information to third parties (such as Police, Department for Work and Pensions or Audit Commission for the National Fraud Initiative) for the purposes of preventing or detecting crime or apprehending or prosecuting offenders.

By virtue of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, all representations are available for public inspection. They will also be displayed on the partnership's web pages.