Worried about paying your rent?

While it’s understandable that you might be afraid of telling your landlord or agent that you’re going to be late with the rent, it’s far better to get the issue out in the open before you actually fail to pay up.

When you speak to your landlord

  • Explain why you’re going to be late with the rent and ask for some extra time
  • Be clear about what you are doing to address the problem to help ensure it won’t happen again

Shelter provides excellent step-by-step advice on how you can negotiate with your landlord so that you can pay off what you owe at a rate that you can afford.

You can find out more by visiting Shelter: rent arrears

Regain control of your finances

If you are having problems making ends meet the Welfare Right Unit can help you to regain control of your finances.

If, as a result of your rent arrears, you have been asked to leave the property; contact us straight away for assistance or call us on 023 8083 2327.