Disrepair claims – sound too good to be true? It probably is!

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Disrepair claims – sound too good to be true? It probably is!

If you receive a knock on the door from someone promising you money if you make a disrepair claim against the council, please stop and think. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

We are aware that council tenants in Southampton are being targeted by people working for no win no fee solicitors. Worryingly, some of these people are even posing as surveyors to gain access to properties and take tenants’ personal details.

These agents are knocking on doors asking tenants if there any faults with the property. They promise large compensation payouts for tenants who make claims for unsatisfactory repair jobs. But the reality is, even if claims are successful, tenants are often left with a just small fraction of money paid in damages, and in some cases face huge legal bills, and the stress of going to court for nothing.

One Southampton tenant who was encouraged to make a claim has since been left with a huge debt after we disputed his disrepair case. Despite being under the impression it was a no win no fee case, the tenant is now being chased by his solicitor for ‘surveying costs’ of £1,650.

Unfortunately, the example above isn’t a lone case. Every year our legal team handle many disrepair claims which turn out to be unsubstantiated and the tenants who were promised big pay outs are instead left out of pocket and facing hefty legal debts. Some ‘no win no fee’ agreements have clauses that state all the lawyers’ costs must be paid in full if the claim is not pursued.

So, if you receive a knock on the door from a ‘surveyor’ or an agent for a solicitor please remember that these people do NOT work for the council, and we strongly recommend you do not let anyone into your home you don’t know. If in doubt please contact us and we can confirm if the person on your doorstep is a legitimate council employee or one of our contractors.

If you live near or know of a vulnerable tenant, please make them aware of this issue.

And remember, the best way to resolve your repair issues is to talk to us. You can report repairs online 24/7 or contact your Local Housing Office and if you have an issue with any work or defects in your home please let us know so that we can work to resolve it as quickly as possible.
