Additional information required to support your application

Some applications need supporting information if you are applying to a school for the reasons below.

We strongly advise reading the admissions policies for each school so that you know how an application will be considered.

Please read the information below before beginning your application.

Applying for a faith school under the faith criteria

The following schools require a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) to help process applications alongside their published admissions arrangements. Your application may be unsuccessful if you do not complete one.

Primary schools

Secondary schools

Please complete the SIF and attach it to your online application, or return it directly to the school, with the exception of St Mark's CE School where the SIF needs to be sent to [email protected]. SIFs can be found on our admissions policies pages or by contacting the school directly.

Applying for a school for a significant medical or psychological reason

You will need to provide written evidence from a medical professional (GP or consultant) or psychologist giving details of the condition and why the school you are applying for is best suited to meet the child's medical or psychological needs. Evidence simply giving a diagnosis is unlikely to be sufficient.

For example, X (child's name) needs to attend Y (school name) due to Z (condition) which means only Y (school name) is suitable for them for the following reasons (give the reasons). 

Please ensure that you give your child's name, date of birth, and school applied for with the evidence.

All evidence submitted for a community or voluntary controlled (VC) school, in other words, schools for which Southampton City Council is the admission authority, is considered by a multi-disciplinary panel. Other schools that have a medical criterion may use other means to assess the evidence supplied.

You can provide the evidence either by:

Remember: Not all schools give priority to a child's medical or psychological condition. You are strongly advised to read the admission policies for each school you are applying for before making your application.

Active members of the Church of England who require a Church of England controlled school

You will need to provide certification by the vicar or other competent church authority.

Next steps

Visit apply for a school place to begin your application.