Deceased discount or exemption

It is important that you inform us when someone has passed away. We will need to know about a death in a household so we can update the Council Tax account.

If someone has unfortunately passed away you can tell us quickly and easily online by applying for deceased discount.


Before you fill in this form

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself up to five minutes to fill in the form.

Apply for deceased discount

Surviving household member

If you are a surviving partner and you confirm in writing that you are now the only adult in the household, we will give you a single person discount.

It is important that we are advised when the following has happened:

  • When probate is granted
  • If the property is sold
  • If someone moves in
  • If someone inherits the property
  • When the tenancy ends

Empty property

If the property is empty, an exemption is awarded regardless of whether it is furnished or not. The exemption will continue until either:

  • The tenancy ends (we consider the tenancy to have ended once the keys are handed back to the landlord)
  • Probate is granted

After probate

From the date of probate:

  • If the property has been transferred to beneficiaries they will become liable to pay the Council Tax, and a new account will be set up in their name
  • If the property remains unoccupied and in the hands of the executors the exemption can continue for a further six months. Once this period has ended the full Council Tax will then become payable and a bill will be issued to the executors
  • Empty properties that are unfurnished can be subject to premium charges after a period of one year. Find out more about empty properties