Project News

Itchen Bridge

River Itchen Flood Alleviation Scheme Partnership logos

Here you will find updates on the scheme’s progress and details of any upcoming works to be carried out by the team.

RIFAS intrusive ground investigations (January 2024)

As part of the scheme development, the project’s contractors, VolkerStevin, are to carry out further intrusive (below ground) surveys across January-March 2024. These surveys follow on from the non-intrusive (above ground) works undertaken in Autumn 2023.

Non-intrusive ground investigation surveys (October 2023)

To continue developing our scheme design we need to undertake further ground investigation surveys. The surveys are primarily to understand underground services and ground water levels.

Green light to commence the detailed design phase (August 2022)

Over the past year, the Project Team has been developing the RIFAS Outline Business Case, which outlines the need for the scheme, and the options appraisal (an analysis which includes cost, benefits and risks). The team is therefore now able to recommend a preferred option to take forward to detailed design stage.

The RIFAS Newsletter (Autumn 2021)

The Autumn 2021 RIFAS newsletter is available. If you would like to receive this newsletter in another format, or you would like to sign up for email updates, please contact us at

Proposals approved by Council (November 2021)

Southampton City Council has approved a series of recommendations regarding the River Itchen Flood Alleviation Scheme (RIFAS) to reduce the risk of flooding on the west bank of the River Itchen.

Options Development Engagement (Commencing 7 May 2021)

To continue our options development and inform a decision on a leading option we would like to discuss the design options with all businesses that may be impacted by and have an influence over the design.

Ground Investigation Surveys (Commencing 12 January 2021)

To understand the underlying ground conditions of the scheme area we need to carry out ground investigation surveys.

Surveys (Commencing 29 June 2020)

As part of our first stages of work we need to carry out surveys to inspect the condition of the existing river frontage.


The Project Team are doing all we can to ensure the safety of our colleagues and members of the public at this current time.