Fishing in parks

Fishing is a FREE activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. We encourage responsible anglers and there are several bodies of water in the city where you can fish for free providing you have the appropriate rod licence.

Please note that fishing is not allowed during the CLOSED SEASON (15 March - 15 June) on the Ornamental Lake on Southampton Common

All adults and children over the age of 12 must have a rod licence issued by the Environment Agency which can be purchased from any Post Office or by phone on 0844 800 5386. Children under 12 do not require a licence however if the Bailiff catches a parent holding the rod, the parent may be liable to receive a fine.

There is an Environment Agency notice about licences pinned on the information boards. Report problems with fish/fishing/ponds/rivers to the Environment Agency on 0800 807060.

If you fish with three or four rods (four is the maximum allowed) then you will need to purchase a second licence.