Grass cutting map

The grass cutting map is designed to allow residents to quickly and easily find out when the grass in their area is due to be cut.

  • The green shaded areas on the map indicate where the mobile grass cutting teams are currently working
  • Click on the area in which you live to find out when the grass in your area was last cut, and when it is next due to be cut. You might also see ‘progress notes’ added by the team
  • Zoom in to see more detail using the blue navigation tools
  • You can also move the map to a specific street by entering your street in the ‘find a road’ box

More about grass cutting in Southampton

Most of Southampton’s grass plots and verges are cut by one of four mobile teams; two working on grass cutting programmes to the east of the River Itchen, and two to the west. Each team's programme should take no more than 4 weeks to complete, and is divided on the map into numbered mowing areas, cut in sequence from 1 – 7. No mowing area should take more than four days to complete, weather permitting.

Grass plots cut by the city council’s mobile mowing teams are shown on this map in green shading. Gray shaded areas fall outside of the mobile programme, and include grass within the city’s largest parks, which is cut by on site rather than mobile teams, and grass within Sheltered Housing grounds, which is on a separate ‘cut and collect’ programme.

Some grass is not cut as part of these programmes in order to provide areas where wild flowers, bees, and other insects can thrive within the urban landscape. These plots are shown on this map in brown rather than green shading (see Key above - Grass managed for the benefit of wildlife).

Why do the dates on the map change?

The information on this map is 'real-time' and updated daily, so you might see scheduled grass cutting dates change slightly if the team are moving through the area more quickly or slowly than expected. The teams do their best to stick to schedule, but may be slowed by prolonged spells of wet weather. In severe drought conditions when the grass is no longer growing we may suspend grass cutting.