Hackney Carriage Unmet Demand Survey

The city council, as licensing authority for hackney carriages, has a legal duty to commission independent periodic surveys of unmet demand for hackney carriages, usually at no more than three year intervals, so long as it wishes to restrict the number of hackney carriage licences issued.

Because the Government's Department for Transport has yet to implement the provisions of the Equalities Act 2010 relating to hackney carriages, and the current policy of the licensing authority to continue to restrict the numbers of hackney carriage licences issued, a further unmet demand survey was conducted on behalf of the licensing authority in the Summer of 2022.

LVSA conducted the survey which found there was no significant unmet demand. Read a copy of their full report.

This report formed part of a report presented to the licensing committee on 14 June 2023 who resolved to retain the limit of 283 hackney carriages.