Managing unauthorised encampments (including Gypsy and Traveller sites)

An unauthorised encampment is when a group of people move on to a piece of land that they do not own and without consent from the landowner. This is a form of trespassing under civil law.

The council has an authorised, fixed site with residential pitches for travellers at Kanes Hill, Botley Road.

If you have seen an unauthorised site, check below to see if it is one we already know about.

Current reports

Unauthorised encampment reported at Kendal Avenue, Millbrook, Southampton

Update at midday on the 19 July 2024:

Southampton City Council (SCC) have issued a ‘direction to leave’ to the occupants of the unauthorised encampment located at Kendal Avenue, Millbrook,  Southampton. If the occupants fail to leave, SCC will make an application to the court for the occupants to be evicted. Please report any anti-social behaviour and/or criminality to the police on 101 or their web based reporting facility.

Update at 2pm on 18 July 2024:

SCC's Community Safety Team have completed statutory welfare checks with the occupants of the unauthorised encampment at Kendal Avenue, Southampton. The occupants have been verbally requested to leave the site and served a notice to quit letter. A report will be submitted to a senior manager at SCC, with recommendations on how the site should be dealt with. Please report any anti-social behaviour and/or criminality to the police on 101 or their web based reporting facility.

Update at 3pm on 16 July 2024:

SCC have been made aware of an incursion onto Kendal Avenue green space opposite Green Park and the setting up of an unauthorised encampment at this location. SCC will be working with partners to complete statutory welfare checks prior to a decision being made as to how to proceed. Any reports of criminality or anti-social behaviour should be reported to the police on 101 or their web based reporting facility. SCC will work with partners, including the Police and the occupants of the encampment, to resolve this situation and reduce any impact on the community.

Reporting an encampment

You can report an encampment using our online form:


Before you fill in this form

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself up to five minutes to fill in the form.

We will need to know:

  • Date and time you first noticed the campsite
  • Number of caravans or vehicles on the site
  • Extra details about the location

Report an unauthorised campsite

For more information, you can read our full policy on managing unauthorised campsites.