Our performance: council housing
We are committed to improving our services to residents. View our annual reports and satisfaction surveys and find out how we are regulated.
To help us see how well we are performing, we:
- Publish an annual report with our performance figures
- Carry out an annual tenant satisfaction measures survey as required by the Regulator of Social Housing
- Compare our performance over time and against similar organisations (Housemark)
How are we performing
Housing annual reports
These documents show how we are performing and help you to hold us to account as your landlord:
Previous annual reports:
Housemark annual performance reports
Southampton City Council uses Housemark, the leading data and insight company for the UK social housing sector, to benchmark our housing performance against other statistically similar social housing landlords. This helps us to check that we are providing value for money and areas we need to improve on.
View the Housemark annual performance survey 2023.
If you want to get involved in improving our services, please check the Tenant engagement opportunities.
How we are regulated
We are regulated by the Regulator for Social Housing (RSH). The RSH regulates registered providers of social housing to promote a viable, efficient, and well-governed social housing sector able to deliver and maintain homes of appropriate quality that meet a range of needs.
To evaluate how well we are doing, the regulator assesses us against:
- Tenant Satisfaction Measures
- Regulatory standards
- Economic Standards – Rent - rents are set in accordance with Government policy for social housing rents.:
- Consumer standards: consumer objective is to make sure that tenants get quality accommodation, have choice and protection, and can hold their landlords to account
- Complaints handling code
- Building safety regulations: we want residents to be safe where they live
Tenant Satisfaction Measures
All social landlords must collect data annually to comply with the new regulatory requirements from the Regulator of Social Housing from April 2023. These new measures are called the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs). The purpose of the new measures is to assess how well landlords are performing in England in providing good quality homes and services. There are 22 satisfaction measures. 12 are perception measures which are measured in a customer survey and 10 are recovered from data management information.
Previous tenant satisfaction surveys:
National regulatory standards
There are regulatory standards for all landlords of social housing, to ensure that all landlords provide high quality responsive services to their tenants.
Consumer standards
New standards describe what is expected of social housing landlords, with the objective to protect tenants and improve the service provided by all social housing providers.
The five consumer standards are:
- Home Standard – Quality of accommodation and repairs and maintenance
- Tenancy Standard – How properties are allocated/exchanged and terms around tenure
- Neighbourhood and Community Standard – Issues around neighbourhood and communal areas and anti-social behaviour
- Tenant Involvement and Empowerment Standard – Customer service and complaints, tenant rights and involvement
- Tenant Satisfaction Measures Standard – Reporting against the TSMs, which cover information on areas such as repairs, safety checks and complaints (applies from 1 April 2023).
Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code
The purpose of the Code is to enable landlords to resolve complaints raised by their residents quickly and to use the learning from complaints to make service improvements. The Code aims to achieve best practice in complaint handling and ultimately to provide a better service to residents
It also placed a duty on the Ombudsman to monitor compliance with a code of practice that it has issued.
Building Safety Regulations
The building safety regulation is intended to improve the design, construction, and management of higher-risk buildings.
View the draft Building safety Resident Engagement Strategy and the Building Safety Act 2022.